Uncategorized – Cherished Solutions – Design, Illustration, Web Services, Art Licensing, Coaching, Art, Cards & Gifts https://www.cherishedsolutions.com Visual Solutions for the Young at Heart Fri, 19 Oct 2012 07:20:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://i0.wp.com/www.cherishedsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/cherishedsolutions-logo.jpeg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Uncategorized – Cherished Solutions – Design, Illustration, Web Services, Art Licensing, Coaching, Art, Cards & Gifts https://www.cherishedsolutions.com 32 32 65654252 Touché! Cartoons https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/touche-cartoons/ Sat, 14 Apr 2012 07:52:55 +0000 http://cherishedhosting.com/?p=136 Continue reading Touché! Cartoons]]>


Client Review:”I use Cherished Hosting. First Cherish beat my other providers on cost. Then she de-mystified some very complicated tech issues and has helped me grow and expand my web knowledge. Where I was told I ‘couldn’t’ do this web stuff on my own before, Cherish assures and assists me so that I can. Cherished Hosting offers a great cost effective web solution with a heart and a brain, for small one-person / many-hat business people like me!” – Ché Rippinger, Relationship Humorist

Ché Rippinger is a relationship humorist who’s produced Touché! Cartoons for 15 years and has also written and illustrated her “Dating And Hand Grenades” column and Q&A version. She also has a southwestern gift shop with her mother, the El Rancho Trading Post, the gift shop of the Rockies nestled with the historic El Rancho Restaurant near Evergreen, Colorado.




If you would like to be listed as a featured client,
please e-mail Cherished Hosting your 2 sentence bio,
the reasons why Cherished Hosting works for your business.


Featured Client Sites:

PeopleBrowsr https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/peoplebrowsr/ Wed, 12 Oct 2011 23:32:44 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=199 Continue reading PeopleBrowsr]]> PS: did you know that on PeopleBrowsr you can do cross network searches? Eg; search for “car” in Flickr, Twitter and YouTube in a few clicks.

PeopleBrowsr is a simple visual dashboard that adds more power to Twitter,
your other online identities and those of your friends.

  • Jump to the site,
  • Add your IDs,
  • And have fun.

FTP client software https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/ftp-client-software/ Wed, 12 Oct 2011 23:32:31 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=145 Are you confused about the best FTP program to get your website to your hosting server?

Check out this great comparision chart at wikipedia.org

Two I really like are: FileZilla & SmartFTP

Hash tags on Twitter https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/hash-tags-on-twitter/ Wed, 12 Oct 2011 23:32:28 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=245 Continue reading Hash tags on Twitter]]> Hash tags look something like this: #marketing (that’s the hash tag for marketing).

When you put a hash tag on a tweet it becomes much easier to find for people searching on a particular topic.  Alex Mandossian uses #tss when he and his clients (and prospects) discuss his Teleseminar Secrets program on Twitter.

#tcot hash tag is the most popular

Here is a video from social media expert Mari Smith where she explains in detail how to use hash tags and how to track popular tags.




Beating The Recession with eCommerce https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/beating-the-recession-with-ecommerce/ Wed, 12 Oct 2011 23:32:26 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=146 This complementary, in-depth video series will not only teach you the foundations to selling online as well as how to do it in a down economy.

Watch the 6 part series at World Widebrands

The Artist’s Guide to Flickr https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/the-artists-guide-to-flickr/ Wed, 12 Oct 2011 23:32:23 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=241 The Artist’s Guide to Flickr

Posted using ShareThis

ShutterBug https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/shutterbug/ Wed, 12 Oct 2011 23:32:19 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=90 Continue reading ShutterBug]]> Do you need to get a site up in a hurry? Satisfy the hunger and do more

with your website – photo albums, movies, journals, image rollovers,

contact forms and a selection of more than 80 fully customizable free

themes. Create a simple online gallery or go all the way with a full

featured website. Try ShutterBug and experience the control and freedom

everyone is talking about http://xtralean.com/SBOverview.html

http://www.bravenet.com https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/httpwwwbravenetcom/ Wed, 12 Oct 2011 23:32:16 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=66 remotely hosted scrpits

.htaccess forwarding https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/secure-website/ Wed, 12 Oct 2011 23:32:11 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=271 Continue reading .htaccess forwarding]]> After buying a SSL certificate for my site I wanted to forward all of my traffic to my new secure space. I did this by editing the .htaccess file in my sites directory.

Warning! You must make a back up of your original .htaccess file just in case . . .

I added this at the front of all the existing code:


RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}


Code Source

Other .htaccess documentation

SocialToo https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/socialtoo/ Wed, 12 Oct 2011 23:32:04 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=196 Continue reading SocialToo]]>

Your Companion to the Social Web

SocialToo is your companion to the social Web. SocialToo can help you become a social power user, by complementing your social experience, giving you all the tools you need to harness the potential of your network.

We want to help make the social networks you belong to an easier place to build relationships, not just followers, and for that reason, we have built tools to make this possible:


  • Auto Follow – SocialToo can help you to automatically follow those Twitter accounts that follow you, within 24 hours.
  • Follower Synchronization – If you have been using Twitter for a while and just joined SocialToo, you can catch up your followers for a one-time fee of only $5, and your list will be in sync.
  • Auto Unfollow – Should you choose, you can automatically unfollow people who stop following you. You can also set your account to automatically unfollow accounts whose activities appear to be spam-like, including rapid following and unfollowing within a few days.
  • Auto Messaging – You can welcome new Twitter followers with an automatic direct message to new followers, and personalize the note by their first or last name.
  • Auto Message Blocking – If you don’t like automatic messaging, you can block all auto messages from fellow SocialToo users.
  • Social Surveys – SocialToo offers a robust set of online survey tools, where you can create and send polls to Twitter and other social networks, customizing the message.


  • Social Surveys – You can also send your online surveys to Facebook, in addition to or instead of your Twitter account. You can post the survey to your Facebook profile or send it to specific friends.
  • Short Profile URLs – We can give you a unique URL to give friends so they can easily find your Facebook page. “Yourusername.socialtoo.com” automatically redirects to your Facebook profile, so nobody has to remember your account number.


  • Nightly Updates – We can send you e-mails every 24 hours with a list of people who started following you on Twitter, as well as those who unfollowed you in the last day. We will also include the last tweet you made prior to their leaving, to help you continue to improve your social experience. This can result in strengthened relationships and a stronger connection with you and your followers.
  • Forward Your Twitter E-mails to Us – By just forwarding the e-mails you get from Twitter stating you have a new follow to [email protected], if you have an account with us and have given us your Twitter username and password we will follow those individuals, instantaneously! Or, just sign up, enable auto-follow in your admin panel and we’ll follow your new followers a little bit later. It’s your choice!

Get started at SocialToo

CAPTCHA – are you human or what? https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/are-you-human-or-what/ Wed, 12 Oct 2011 23:32:03 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=7

The word of the day is “CAPTCHA.” That is the name for the little picture boxes at the bottom of most smart forms today. It prevents the bots from spamming the recipients of those lovely forms and helps identify a human request from a digital one.

Favorite WordPress Plug-Ins https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/favorite-wordpress-plug-ins/ Wed, 12 Oct 2011 23:31:59 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=483 Continue reading Favorite WordPress Plug-Ins]]> Here is a list in progress of some of my favorite WP plug-ins. If you know of some core WP plug-ins that I am missing here, please comment and share.


Akismet checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they look like spam or not. You need a WordPress.com API key to use it. You can review the spam it catches under “Comments.”

Out-of-the-box SEO

Contact Form 7

Dagon Design Sitemap Generator

Google Analyticator

Google XML Sitemaps


NextGEN Gallery – Photo Gallery

Really Simple CAPTCHA – ACAPTCHA module intended to be called from other plugins.


The 80/20 Rule of Time Management https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/the-8020-rule-of-time-management/ Wed, 12 Oct 2011 23:31:54 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=423 The 80/20 Rule of Time Management

This technique teaches you to focus on what’s really important in your life and your life’s work.

Top 30 Javascript Slideshows, Sliders and Carousels https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/top-30-javascript-slideshows-sliders-and-carousels/ Thu, 03 Feb 2011 03:10:47 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=364

View the blog post here of all 30 handpicked scripts from vivalogo.com

http://www.sendcard.org/ https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/httpwwwsendcardorg/ Thu, 03 Feb 2011 03:10:25 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=67 simple script, almost had it, having permissions trouble.

Import RSS Fees onto Your Site https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/import-rss-fees-onto-your-site-the-goods-the-bads-the-ugly/ Thu, 03 Feb 2011 03:10:07 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=121 Continue reading Import RSS Fees onto Your Site]]> As seen on Daily Opt

Bloggers, Developers, SEM’s,

I wanted to inform you of a new RSS feed tool that Google has launched to help website owners and developers import RSS feeds on their websites. This tools is fun and easy to use and the best part is that Google “once again” makes development easy for the common user to import dynamic content immediately within a web page.

This custom RSS feeder will import content from other blogs of interest straight into your site. The feed is derived from XML data then generated through Javascript. All you need to do is install a simple line of javascript code to make the gadget work. You can also customize this RSS feed to match your site by text color, padding, link design, and borders of your choice and colors.

Well, this is certainly exciting, but there is a downside to using this tool. For all SEM’s and SEO experts when you import this tool into your site your ability for Google to crawl new content, links, and data is non-existent. The feeds are generated by a javascript code that is not converted to HTML code once the page loads. Therefore, the Gadget for SEO purposes and link building is strickly irrelevant.

All in all if you do want to import your favorite blog entries onto your site easily then I would suggest using this tool. Most of all for the fun of it…”

Here is the link to the Google Gadget – Custom RSS Tool

Share This https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/share-this/ Thu, 03 Feb 2011 03:09:51 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=455 Sharing made simple.

ShareThis makes it easy to share ideas and get to the good stuff online. See why over 125,000 sites use ShareThis to increase traffic and engagement.

Try the little green button that does it all. ShareThis

whatismyip.com https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/whatismyipcom/ Thu, 03 Feb 2011 03:09:30 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=18 http://whatismyip.com/

The fastest and easiest way to determine your IP address.

Protect Yout WordPress Site from Attacks https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/protect-yout-wordpress-site-from-attacks/ Thu, 03 Feb 2011 03:09:27 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/solution/482 1) Upgrade your Word Press Site when the upgrades are available.

2) Install WordPress Firewall as a plug-in to protect yourself from attacks.

If you are having a trouble, read this article http://www.theinternetpatrol.com/was-your-site-hacked-redirecting-to-itsallbreaksoftnet-or-paymoneysysteminfo-heres-what-happened/

Maian Script World https://www.cherishedsolutions.com/uncategorized/maian-script-world/ Thu, 03 Feb 2011 03:09:00 +0000 http://solutionstocherish.com/blog/?p=65 http://www.maianscriptworld.co.uk/

Welcome to Maian Script World, a collection of free PHP scripts, written by myself, released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Licence.

Ecard program


Greece Index, directory for all things Greek

