Author U – Cherished Solutions – Design, Illustration, Web Services, Art Licensing, Coaching, Art, Cards & Gifts Visual Solutions for the Young at Heart Mon, 02 May 2011 01:00:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Author U – Cherished Solutions – Design, Illustration, Web Services, Art Licensing, Coaching, Art, Cards & Gifts 32 32 65654252 Calling all Writers and Authors … Is There a Book in You? Mon, 11 Apr 2011 23:40:52 +0000 Continue reading Calling all Writers and Authors … Is There a Book in You?]]> Author University - publishing

Cherished Solutions (including Something to Cherish and Been Cherished)  is excited to announce that we will be participating in this year’s Author University Extravaganza for authors and writers.

Of course, we will be there offering the finest illustration, website, book and marketing design services around (check us out at You will also get to learn about the latest publishing trends from some of the top experts in the nation!

I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to share this time sensitive info with you, so here it goes:


Author U Annual Extravaganza
May 6-7, 2011

Soaring Your Book to the Rock Star Stratosphere – Aurora, Colorado

Over two powerful days, you will work with amazing book marketing strategists, publicists, Internet gurus, rock star branders, creative geniuses … all done in an intense workshop environment …

Can’t come to Colorado? Participate via LIVE Broadcast and DVDs

The Extravaganza Speakers:

Craig Duswalt Create Your Own Rock Star Branding—participants will learn all the elements of creating Rock Star Branding with Craig … if Guns n’ Roses loved him, so will you!

Chuck Blakeman Rock Stars Get Off the Treadmill “Making Money Is Killing Your Business” was selected by the National Federation of Business Owners as the #1 book this year—ahead of Seth Godin at #6. His session will focus on authoring/books.

Justin Matott Rock Stars Make “Creativity” Their Middle Name is at the core of winning books … no one does it better than Justin. High energy, perfect way to end two high power days.

Joan Stewart Become a Rock Star Harnessing the Internet comes to Colorado and will work with both traditional publicity and social media options.

Eric Kampmann Create Rock Star Author Power with Partner Publishing will be a new relationship for the self and independent Author/Publisher. Eric will explore options and how to set up.

Alex Carroll Rock Stars Reach Millions For Free — Without Leaving Home will do an interactive workshop with participants on state to learn how to “pitch” to a producer plus find the right radio market.

Peggy McColl Create a Rock Star Amazon Bestseller, her workshop will be a hands-on on how to do it.

Marcella Smith Publishing’s Insider, Insider will present a thought provoking vision of what’s happening and the future of publishing in a special, Dinner with Marcella on Friday.

Tom Campbell Rock Star Printers Reveal All that includes many of the Exhibitors, this won’t just me a panel … it’s what’s what in the book world today.


So, will you join us?

Register Now

(Hurry, the Early Bird Deal Ends April 15th!)

Author U (niversity) is a community of writers, authors, small and independent publishers. It’s for you if you want to learn about …

  • ·       Writing a book;
  • ·       Creating one that will find a following;
  • ·       Strategizing the steps to be successful;
  • ·       Developing a game-plan that has roots;
  • ·       Publishing a book that turns heads;
  • ·       Marketing moxie that creates results;
  • ·       Publicity tactics that work;
  • ·       Gizmos, gadgets and technology; and
  • ·       Achieving Amazing Results

See You there!
~Cherish Flieder & Benjamin Hummel

